Friday, January 19, 2007

Linguistics Homework.

Linguistics is rad! Wait, Linguistics are rad! Wait, umm, shit!
Anyways, I thought I'd post my linguistics homework that I just finished, because it made me giggle... I'm sure you'll all enjoy it too. (Check out the amazing "Jerry" reference!!!)


“You are rad.”

Such a simple sentence, but it can mean so much. Let’s apply the five tiered definition of, “language,” and find out why.

The sentence contains a subject, a verb, and a predicate, and they all fall in the proper and familiar order that allows us to recognize it at a complete and understandable English sentence.

In the English language, words are expected to fall in a particular order, and thus there are systematic rules to keep us from just shouting random gibberish at one another. If the subject, verb, and predicate start getting mixed up and put in an unconventional order, such as, “Rad are you,” people will think you’re weird and trying to talk like Yoda or something. Even if a speaker uses seemingly unconventional words in their speech (such as rad), the other person can rely on verbal and non-verbal signs and cues to decode the intended meaning, so long as the sentence is formed in a conventional manner.

Assuming that somebody orally utters the phrase, “You are rad,” at an audible level and that somebody else is standing around to aurally hear it, it qualifies as language.

“You are rad,” is a sentence that might mystify certain audiences, but relying on cultural signs associated with the English language, they should be able to decode its meaning. For example, even if somebody doesn’t know what the term, “Rad,” means, they should be able to figure out that being referred to as rad is a good thing by the speaker’s accompanying smile and thumbs-up gesture.

Human Beings
The predetermined fact that both the speaker and the audience are both human beings is probably the number one requirement of using audible sound to express meaning. You can tell your dog that it is rad all day long but its self esteem will not be bolstered. Any positive reaction is due to the speaker’s tone of voice, not their specific choice of language.


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